Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

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    Introduction to Understanding Behavior

    • Introduction to Understanding Behavior

    • A – B – C Framework

    • Quiz your knowledge

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    Function of Behavior

    • Functions of Behavior

    • Reinforcement

    • Reinforcement in the pattern

    • Positive Reinforcement

    • Negative Reinforcement

    • Think about it

    • Functions of Behavior: SEAT

    • Quiz your knowledge

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    Teaching and Improving Behavior

    • Teaching and Improving Behavior

    • Reducing problem behavior: Arranging the environment

    • Reducing problem behavior: Extinction

    • Reducing problem behavior: Punishment

    • Positive Punishment

    • Negative Punishment

    • Try reinforcement first

    • Problems with punishment

    • Reducing problem behavior: Replacement Behavior

    • Quiz your knowledge

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    Other ABA Strategies

    • 1. Meet all basic needs first

    • 2. Add reinforcing value

    • 3. Consistency and Routine

    • 4 - Structured activities

    • 5. Active listening and communication

    • 6. Flexibility and adaptability

    • 7. Token Economy

    • 8. Including prompts

    • 9. Task Analysis

    • 10. Chaining

    • 11. Shaping

    • 12. Differential Reinforcement

    • 13. Stop Redirect Reinforce

    • 14. Setting Expectations

    • 15. First-Then Strategies

    • 16. Visual supports

    • 17. Modeling

    • Quiz your knowledge

    • Developmental Milestones

    • The End

    • Connect with us!

    • Course Survey